Checklist for Homebuyers

Upon buying a new home approximately 44% of homebuyers do not inspect the plumbing system in the home. Within one year of purchasing the home they end up calling a plumber.
Checklist for homebuyers:
-Flush the toilet and check to see how fast the water goes down, and the pressure of the water.
-Press the tiles around the bathtub to check for loose or leaky tiles. If the area is soft there may be water damage.
-Stand over the toilet and rock back and forth, if the floor moves there may be rotting caused by past water damage.
-Check for spots or stains around the base of the toilet.
Water Heater
-Check for rust around the water heater tank.
-Check the date on the water heater. Water heaters over 15 years old, should be replaced. You can check the date by looking at the serial number. The first four numbers are the month and year.
Water Supply Piping
-Turn both the bath tub and faucet on at the same time. If there is a sufficient reduction in the water volume there may be calcium and mineral deposits, potentially meaning the pipes need to be replaced.
-Check over the exposed piping in the basement for stains or rusting.
-Be sure that the main line cleanout is accessible



(973) 887-1334

Weak Shower Pressure?

If your shower’s stream is weak, consider that the water pressure may also be in use elsewhere. It could be a filling toilet tank, the dishwasher, washing machine, or your sprinkler system. If you still have ample pressure at the other faucets in your house, your shower head may be clogged by hard water deposits. If the blockage is severe, you must remove and clean the shower head. If the blockage is not too severe, you may be able to clean it in place. To clean it in place, pour a cup of vinegar into a plastic bag, place the bag over the shower head, and secure it with a twist tie. Leave it there overnight. In the morning, remove the bag and use a toothbrush to gently scrub the softened deposits from the holes. If the stream is still weak (even after taking apart the shower head) you should call a professional plumber to locate the clog and clean it.

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