Heating Breakdowns: How To Tell if Your Furnace Is Failing

Homeowner adjusting thermostatIs it the fall temperature swings or furnace issues that has your home caught between seasons?

Check out these seven signs that your furnace is failing and when to call an HVAC technician.


If your furnace shuts down before it completes a heating cycle, it could be caused by:

  • A dirty furnace filter
  • A dirty flame sensor
  • A malfunctioning ignitor

Your professional HVAC technician can get to the bottom of your short-cycling issue and apply the right furnace repair.

Burning Smells

A burnt smell from your heating system can indicate an issue with your unit’s electrical wiring.

Don’t wait to call a professional. Your technician needs to access, diagnose, and repair your furnace to prevent an electrical fire.

Changes in Airflow

Heated air is blown through ductwork to distribute it throughout the home. If your blower fan, air filter, or ductwork gets clogged with dust, pet hair, or other debris, it can put a bigger strain on your blower fan and cause it to burn out.

If you have decreased airflow from your vents, your problem could be your blower fan. An HVAC technician can perform a deep cleaning of your blower fan to restore airflow.

Long Runtimes

Issues with your furnace can make it work harder and run longer to reach your home’s desired temperature. While dirt buildup on your heat exchanger can force it to work harder, a damaged or cracked heat exchanger can be an even bigger issue.

Performing routine maintenance can identify furnace issues before they become costly repair jobs.

An Undersized Furnace

When your furnace is constantly running, it’s because it has difficulty keeping up with demand. If you have a new home addition or have completed other renovations, it’s possible your furnace isn’t sized properly for the square footage.

An undersized furnace will do a poor job of providing even temperature throughout your home and can also require frequent repairs because of the demand.

Strange Sounds

A furnace that is functioning well shouldn’t be loud. Sounds that require professional inspection and repair to resolve include:

  • Screeching
  • Rattling
  • Clicking

High Energy Bills

Energy costs are increasing, but if your furnace is more than 15 years old, you might be wasting money on energy bills due to an inefficient furnace.

Consider replacing your outdated unit with a new, energy-efficient furnace. It’s a wise investment that you’ll reap the benefits from for years to come.

Call Russo Bros. & Co. for Heating Repairs, Maintenance, or Replacement Today

If you’re worried your furnace is failing, call the experts at Russo Bros. & Co. Our team can assess your furnace and repair or replace it without leaving you in the cold.

Don’t get heated over furnace problems this winter. Call (973) 887-1334 or contact us online for reliable heating repairs today.

5 Causes of Brown Tap Water

brown tap water

The sight of brown tap water can be alarming. Discolored water indicates the presence of potentially harmful contaminants, and the importance of finding their source can’t be overstated.
If your tap water has a brownish discoloration, take that as a clear sign you need a professional plumber to determine the cause of the problem and implement the right solution for it.

Take care of your brown water today, Call Russo Bros. at (973) 887-1334 or contact us online to schedule an appointment.

What Causes Brown Tap Water?

The contaminants in your water that are causing the brown tint can come from a number of places. Frequent causes of brown tap water include:

  • Rusty Pipes: Age, poor materials, or pipe damage can eventually lead to rust. Older homes built with galvanized steel pipes all eventually have this problem. Rusty sediment in your pipes commonly appears as a symptom of aging, with water discoloration appearing early in the day but clearing as water runs for a short time. Repiping your home may be the best solution if you have rusty pipes. This involves replacing outdated piping materials with material that isn’t prone to rust.
  • Sediment Buildup in Water Heater Tanks: If the discoloration only appears in your hot water, the cause may be sediment buildup in your water heater. Water heater maintenance by a trained plumber should address this issue. An annual water heater flush should also help prevent future issues.
  • Faulty Water Treatment System: If your home’s water treatment system needs repair or can’t handle the volume of water it needs to treat, discoloration may result. A faulty water treatment system will allow contaminants to filter through and visibly affect your tap water. Depending on the age and condition of your system, you may need water treatment system repair or replacement.
  • Changes in the Water Table: Heavy rain or drought can cause changes in the water table in the area of your home. Excess rains cause a higher water table, producing excess iron in well water. Water testing and treatment can identify whether the contaminants causing your water’s discoloration come from water table change and determine the next steps for your home.
  • Changes in Water Pressure: Discoloration due to water pressure changes can have multiple causes. During droughts, municipal water demand increases while fresh surface water mixes with sediment more readily. If you rely on city water, other homes in your neighborhood may experience similar discoloration issues. Contact your utility company to resolve the issue. A faulty well pump may be the culprit if you rely on well water. Contact a professional plumber for well pump repair or replacement.

What To Do if You Have Brown Tap Water

When you first notice brown, discolored water, run cold water from a tap for 20 minutes. If the cause is disturbed sediment in pipes during periods of low usage, this can clear the problem.

If that doesn’t resolve the problem, you need plumbing services from Russo Bros. Our expert technicians are available for same day and emergency services, and our 24-hour live call operators will schedule your appointment with a precise arrival window so you know exactly when to expect your plumber.

Call Russo Bros. at (973) 887-1334 or contact us online for peace of mind today!

7 Things That Will Damage Your Septic System

toilet not trash can

Whether you have a sewer or septic system, it’s important to know what not to send down your drains.
Flushing items that aren’t biodegradable down your drain has the potential to damage your septic system, but there are seven types of items that are particularly harmful to your. Here is our list of things not to put in your septic tank:

1. Drain Cleaners & Other Chemicals

While household drain cleaners might boast powerful cleaning capabilities, they often cause more harm than good, so it’s better to just call for professional drain cleaning.
Antibacterial cleaners can work against your septic tank, which uses good bacteria to break down waste and keep your system running smoothly.

In addition to liquid drain cleaners, homeowners should avoid flushing other heavy chemicals, such as:

  • Household cleaners
  • Gasoline
  • Insect or weed killers

Sending any harsh chemicals or cleaners down your drain won’t just harm your septic system. It can also contaminate your soil and water supply. Dispose of these chemicals safely and use eco-friendly products whenever possible.

2. Flushable Wipes

Even though the label reads “flushable,” you should never send cotton wipes down your drains. Wipes are not biodegradable and will build up over time, clogging your septic system and causing severe plumbing problems.

Avoid putting other cotton-based products down your drains for the same reason, including:

  • Tampons and sanitary napkins
  • Cotton balls and swabs
  • Diapers
  • Paper towels

3. Grease, Fat & Oil

Grease and oil don’t break down like water and waste. Pouring grease down the drain into your septic tank will only end in a clog, making it difficult for anything to pass through safely. You could also risk a sewer line clog resulting in sewage backup which will wreak havoc on your system.

Instead of sending grease, fats, and oils down your drain, pour these materials into a can where they can safely solidify and be thrown in the garbage. You can also wipe your pans clean with a paper towel to ensure they are free of any greasy debris that could clog your drains.

4. Cat Litter

If you have a cat at home, don’t make the costly mistake of flushing litter down the drain. Most cat litter expands in when wet, making it extremely dangerous to flush down the drain.

You shouldn’t even flush biodegradable and flushable kitty litter. It’s not worth the risk to your septic system!

5. Medications

You shouldn’t flush pills, capsules, or liquid medication down your drains either.

These materials won’t just clog your drains and pipes but can also corrode your system over time, causing an even more expensive problem. Dispose of medications properly by throwing them away in the trash.

6. Food Waste

Sending food items down your drains is never a good idea. If your home relies on a septic tank, even using a garbage disposal can end up causing problems for your system. While any food waste is risky, the following items are particularly hazardous:

  • Coffee grounds
  • Starchy foods, such as rice, potatoes, etc.
  • Fibrous foods, such as broccoli, celery, etc.
  • Eggshells

Make sure any food waste ends up in your home’s trash or compost bin, not your drains.

7. Trash

Anything you’d typically throw in the garbage should not be flushed down your drains. This includes anything from cigarette butts to dental floss and contact lenses.

When in doubt, opt for the trash can instead of your drain pipes. Your septic system, and your wallet, will thank you!

When To Contact a Plumber for Septic System Repair or Maintenance

Mistakes happen, and sending dangerous materials down your drain isn’t always avoidable.

If you have pesky drain clogs, don’t try to clear them yourself. When you notice signs of multiple drain clogs or sewage backups in your home, it’s time to contact a professional for septic system repair or maintenance.

At Russo Bros. & Co., our plumbers have the skills and experience to resolve even the toughest septic system service requests.

Request hydro jetting or septic system repair or maintenance for your home by contacting our team at (973) 887-1334 today!

6 Signs Your Furnace May Need To Be Replaced

Woman adjusting thermostat

Your home’s furnace is the engine behind ensuring you are warm and comfortable this winter. Take a look at these signs that your furnace is failing.

1. Your Furnace Is Short-Cycling

Your furnace may not always be on, but it shouldn’t be turning on and off without reaching the temperature set on your thermostat.While it could be a simple fix like a clogged air filter, short-cycling can also happen when a furnace is too large for a home.

2. Your Furnace Is More Than 15 Years Old

A furnace’s life span is between 15 and 20 years old. If you’re not the first homeowner, you may need to determine your system’s age using its model number.

Regular maintenance helps to keep your system working efficiently, and an HVAC technician can spot potential problems before they affect your comfort or system reliability.

3. Your Furnace Needs Frequent Repairs

If your furnace seems to need frequent repairs and it’s in the last few years of its life span, it might be worth considering a replacement instead of a repair.

If your furnace repairs cost more than 50% of the price of a new furnace, a new unit is a more cost-effective option.

4. Your Furnace Makes Strange Sounds

Grinding, banging, and rattling sounds are not the sounds of a furnace that’s functioning properly. If your furnace is making strange sounds, it’s time to get an expert to take a look.

  • Clicking can indicate a problem with the igniter.
  • Screeching can indicate a damaged furnace blower motor.
  • Rattling can indicate a loose air duct or other loose components.

5. Your Heating Bills Have Risen Over the Years

If your furnace is aging and not working as efficiently as it could, it may be reflected in your heating bills.

If your furnace is wasting energy, it might be time to replace it with a more energy-efficient unit.

6. You Have Hot & Cold Spots Throughout Your Home

A poorly functioning furnace has a difficult time evenly distributing heat to all rooms of the home.

If you notice drastic temperature changes between different areas of your home, call a professional to evaluate your furnace’s performance.

Russo Bros. & Co. Makes Furnace Replacement Easy

If you’re unsure if your furnace is up to snuff, call the experts at Russo Bros. & Co.

Our company is backed by generations of experience, and our trained HVAC professionals have helped many Northern New Jersey homeowners with all their heating needs.

Call (973) 887-1334 or contact us online to request quality furnace replacement from our team.

4 Fall HVAC Maintenance Tasks That Affect Energy Efficiency & Comfort

New furnace installed by Russo Bros

As you pack up your summer wardrobe and eye that cozy sweater, your heating and cooling systems are finally getting a breather. Fall is that sweet spot for your HVAC system between summer’s cooling demands and winter’s warming needs.
Early fall is the best time for an HVAC system check and seasonal heating maintenance. If you want to see a real difference in your HVAC performance, you should:

Change the Air Filter

Your air conditioning has been cranking all summer, and your filter has kept pollutants, allergies, and dirt from circulating in your indoor air.

While filters can often last up to 90 days, early fall is a great time to start with fresh, clean filters to move into the winter season.

It not only improves indoor air quality, but a clean air filter will also improve the energy efficiency of your HVAC system.

Clean Around Your Outdoor Unit

Your exterior compressor can take quite a beating over the summer. Summer storms can drop branches and other debris onto your outdoor unit. And summer growth can infringe upon the unit’s ability to run properly.

The outdoor unit should have about a 3-foot buffer free of landscaping and other debris.

Start the fall by ensuring your outdoor compressor unit is unentangled by growth or other landscaping. Then, use a blower to brush off grass clippings or fallen leaves.

Secure an Energy Audit

Before turning on that heat, now is a great time to determine where your home might have energy leaks.

You can do your own energy audit to identify cracked caulk around doors and windows and check if your home’s insulation meets standards. All these issues can make your HVAC system work harder than it needs to.

If you want to take your energy assessment ever further, hire a professional to conduct a formal energy audit to determine where you can improve your home’s energy efficiency.

Schedule HVAC Maintenance

Routine maintenance helps identify any issues with your HVAC system quickly and prevents small problems from evolving into bigger ones.

Hire a professional to complete annual HVAC maintenance in early fall. If an expert identifies a problem, you can conveniently schedule a fix rather than waiting for a system breakdown and paying for an emergency repair.

During a system check, your technician will:

  • Clean condenser coils
  • Change the air filter
  • Clear vents
  • Clean out the condensate drain tube
  • Realign bent or crushed fan blades
  • Recalibrate the thermostat
  • Inspect wiring
  • And more!

Call Russo Bros. & Co. for a Fast & Effective HVAC Tune-Up

Fall is a great time to get back into your routine; HVAC maintenance should be part of that.

At Russo Bros. & Co., we can ensure your HVAC system is still in good shape after keeping you cool all summer and is ready to keep your home just as comfortable this winter.

An early fall HVAC system check is the best way to extend your HVAC system’s life and avoid costly repairs.

Call (973) 887-1334 or contact us online today to schedule expert HVAC maintenance in Livingston, Short Hills, Chatham, South Orange, or the surrounding areas!

How Dehumidifiers Help Take the Sweat Out of Summer

Closeup of condensation on window

You know that sticky feeling you get when you walk outside on a humid day? You should never feel that way when you’re in your home.

A properly functioning air conditioning system and a dehumidifier are the keys to reducing humidity in your home.

Let’s look at what a dehumidifier does and how it works.


What’s the Problem With Having High Humidity in Your Home?

High humidity is one of the leading causes of mold and mildew growth in your home.

In addition to high humidity causing unsafe indoor air quality, it can also make your home feel warmer than it is, causing you to crank up the AC and drive up your cooling costs. This can also cause your air conditioner to work harder and fail sooner.

A dehumidifier can help reduce the amount of moisture in the air and increase the comfort level of your home.

How Can I Tell That My Home Has High Humidity?

In addition to feeling that sticky, heavy air, you can look for these signs that your indoor humidity is too high:

  • Mold or mildew in the bathroom
  • Condensation on windows in the winter
  • Peeling or cracking paint on interior or exterior finishes
  • Rotting wood in your home
  • Mold growth on the ceiling

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, indoor humidity levels should stay between 30% and 50%. You can find humidity gauges at your local home improvement store to check your home’s exact humidity level.

How Does a Dehumidifier Work?

All dehumidifiers work by using a fan. A dehumidifier pulls in the moist air from the home and runs it over cold coils or an evaporator to condense the moisture out of the air and collect it in a drip tray.

The dehumidifier uses a condenser coil to bring the air back to room temperature, and a fan blows it back into the room.

How Can I Balance My Home’s Humidity Level?

If your home’s AC is working properly, it should ensure you have acceptable humidity levels in your home. It’s important to perform preventative air conditioner maintenance to detect any issues that might make it less effective.

A whole-home dehumidifier can be a great option for homes with humidity issues. This system will monitor your home’s humidity levels and turn on a dehumidifier as needed.

Whole-Home vs. Portable Dehumidifiers

Whole-house dehumidifiers can be more effective and efficient than single-room dehumidifiers. This is a permanent and separate system from your AC, and you should talk to an HVAC professional before investing in a whole-home dehumidifier.

Portable room dehumidifiers are single units that can be easily set up and moved from room to room as needed. On the downside, these units are often a bit noisy and unsightly, and the condensation pan that collects the water from the air will need to be emptied frequently.

Choose Russo Bros. & Co. for Whole-Home Dehumidifier Installation

Controlling your home’s humidity isn’t just about comfort — it’s about maintaining healthy indoor air quality in your home. Russo Bros. has helped New Jersey homeowners tackle humidity issues in their homes for over 70 years. Contact us today for dehumidifier services

Call us or contact us online for all your AC repair, maintenance, installation, and replacement needs. 

Strange Sounds Coming From Your Outside AC Unit? Here’s What You Need To Do

Closeup of outdoor AC unit fan

They are the sounds of summer — birds chirping, barbecues sizzling, lawn mowers roaring, and your outside AC unit making screeching and banging sounds.
If you hear a few summer sounds that don’t belong, don’t just ignore them. Let’s look at five strange noises that your outside AC unit can make and what they can mean.


You may want to ignore this clanking noise, but it may indicate an issue with a loose part, such as the compressor or fan blades.

Turn off the system and call an expert to investigate the noise and solution.


If you hear a screeching noise when you turn on your fan, but then the sounds stop, it may indicate the fan motor bearings are worn out.

While seasonal maintenance would assure that these bearings are properly lubricated, you could lubricate the bearings yourself to troubleshoot the problem.

Be sure to disconnect electrical power to the outdoor condenser before beginning any work on the unit.

If you are unsure that this is the cause of the noise or you are uncomfortable making this repair, get a professional to inspect your fan motor for a replacement or repair.


Buzzing sounds from your exterior unit could mean a few different things:

  • It could be caused by an electrical issue affecting the fan motor.
  • It could be caused by an electrical issue affecting the compressor.
  • It could be a sign your outdoor fan is going bad.

These issues all require the expertise of a professional to resolve the problem.


Your AC system uses refrigerant that is under pressure to cool your home.

When there is a refrigerant leak somewhere in the system, the refrigerant can create a hissing sound as it escapes through cracks in the pipes.

Even though newer AC units use environmentally friendly R-410 A or Puron refrigerant, homeowners should never handle a refrigerant issue.


Are you hearing the plop-plop sound of water dripping? It could simply mean you need to empty your AC drip pan.

However, the dripping could also be a sign of a frozen coil melting. Coils can freeze because of a dirty air filter or a malfunctioning thermostat.

While not an emergency, it’s a good idea to call a professional to ensure your system doesn’t have an underlying issue.

Call Russo Bros. & Co. for Air Conditioning Repairs & Tune-Ups

At Russo Bros. & Co., we can investigate all your AC problems and let you get back to enjoying the sounds of summer.

We are proud to be New Jersey’s go-to source for AC repair and maintenance services.

Call (973) 887-1334 or contact us online for a team with generations of HVAC expertise.