Saving energy can often result in saving money which is great. However, when it comes to your HVAC system, you may be unnecessarily inconveniencing yourself and/or sacrificing comfort in an attempt to save energy if your efforts are based on inaccurate information or myths.
Here are 5 energy-saving myths that may affect the way you have been doing things around your home when trying to save energy:
Myth #1: You Can Cool Down a Hot Room with Ceiling Fans-The breeze produced by a ceiling fan makes you FEEL cooler, however, ceiling fans will not actually lower a room temperature. The reason is ceiling fans do not remove heat from the air which is needed for lowering the temperature of a room.
Myth #2: Closing Your Vents will Reduce the Energy You Use-Keeping your vents closed will not help you save energy. A closed vent can actually upset the airflow balance within your HVAC system. Upsetting the airflow balance just makes your system work harder and increase the energy you use rather than save it. And this results in an increased financial cost to you.
Myth #3: You Can Heat Your Home Quicker by Raising Your Thermostat-Contrary to popular belief, raising your thermostat to its maximum setting will not heat your home faster. Raising the thermostat will, however, use unnecessary energy and likely make your home uncomfortably hot.
Myth #4: Just Turning Off Your Electronics will Save Power-You want to unplug your electronics if you want to save energy. Many appliances and electronics today use little power when in “standby” mode while still plugged in. You will not truly benefit when trying to save energy unless you unplug them
Myth #5: Using Your Fireplace Saves Energy-Though a room with a fireplace is typically warm and cozy, the temperatures throughout your home will likely drop. This is usually the case because when using a fireplace, the damper must be open to vent toxic gases outside.